Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gender Differences

I do not believe in societal gender roles. I was raised in a single-mother household and was taught how to iron my own clothes, wash dishes, cook, and clean (supposed female chores). At the same time though, my mother taught me how to do all the things that "men are supposed to do." I don't feel there are particular things that men or women should do exclusively. When roles are established in a household, the mutual respect that should exist in the relationship may not be as strong. When considering raising a child and the sorts of training that takes place during the child's developmental stage, it is important not to emphasize gender differences. Gender differences exist in society mainly because myths and stereotypes. Perpetuation of the stereotypes concerning gender roles can cause mental and even physical damage to both sexes. Prejudices arise from the stereotypes and myths that are so prevalent in society. That's where the glass ceiling effect comes from.

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